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  • 06/03/2017 | Nuclear Submarine USS Nautilus SSN 571 Museum Ships Weekend

    Jun 3-Jun 4, 1300Z-2100Z, N1S, Groton, CT. Generations Amateur Radio Club. 21.324 14.264 7.264 3.924. QSL. GARC c/o Harrison Solt, N1FAM, 110 Vinegar Hill Rd, Gales Ferry, CT 06335. SASE please. Details on QRZ N1S and K3LBD listing. Nautilus information at

  • 06/03/2017 | Tallship Maryland Dove

    Jun 3-Jun 4, 0000Z-2359Z, W3D, Lusby, MD. Calvert Amateur Radio Assoc & St Mary's County Amateur Radio Assoc. 28.600 14.070. Certificate. Calvert Amateur Radio Association, Inc, P. O. Box 306, Huntingtown, MD 20639 . In association with Museum Ships Weekend Event

  • 06/03/2017 | USS Little Rock - Museum Ships Event

    Jun 3-Jun 4, 1400Z-2100Z, W2PE, North Tonawanda, NY. Radio Association of Western New York (RAWNY). 7.220 14.270. QSL. Aaron Heverin, 273 Homestead Drive, North Tonawanda, NY 14120. The Radio Association of Western New York will have it's club station, W2PE, active during Museum Ships Weekend from USS Little Rock (CLG-4). QRZ via SASE only. Check DX spotting for exact frequencies.

  • 06/03/2017 | USS The Sullivans Museum Ships Weekend

    Jun 3-Jun 4, 1400Z-2100Z, N2HTL, Buffalo, NY. Radio Association of Western New York (RAWNY). 7.220 14.280. QSL. Aaron Heverin, 273 Homestead Drive, North Tonawanda, NY 14120. The Radio Association of Western New York will be activation USS The Sullivans (DD-537) during the annual Musuem Ships Weekend special event using the call N2HTL. QSL via SASE only. Check DX spotting for exact frequencies.

  • 06/03/2017 | W2W D-Day Commemoration

    Jun 3-Jun 6, 1300Z-2000Z, W2W, Baltimore, MD. Amateur Radio Club of the National Electronics Museum. 14.244 14.044 7.244 7.044. Certificate & QSL. W2W - D-Day, PO Box 1693, MS 4015, Baltimore, MD 21203. Amateur Radio Club of the National Electronics Museum (ARCNEM) will operate W2W in commemoration of the anniversary of D-Day and the role of electronics in WWII. Additional operation is also possible during the June 1-11 period, as operator availability permits. Frequencies +/- according to QRM. QSL and Certificate available via SASE; details at

  • 06/03/2017 | Walthall County Dairy Festival

    Jun 3, 1400Z-2000Z, W5WQ, Brookhaven, MS. Southwest Mississippi ARC. 21.282 14.282 7.282. QSL. Homer Richardson, 1545 Friendship Lane NW, Brookhaven, MS 39601. Celebrating the Dairy Industry in Walthall County

  • 06/03/2017 | WWII Submarine USS Cobia on the air

    Jun 3-Jun 4, 1400Z-2100Z, NB9QV, Manitowoc, WI. USS Cobia Amateur Radio Club. 7.240 14.240. QSL. Fred Neuenfeldt W6BSF, 4932 So. 10th St., Manitowoc, WI 54220. SASE #10 for QSL

  • 06/08/2017 | Discovery of Sunspots

    Jun 8-Jun 12, 0000Z-2359Z, KB7QPS, Maple Valley, WA. L Greg Magone. 146.52 14.275 14.250. Certificate & QSL. L Greg Magone, 27492 254th PL SE, Maple Valley, WA 98038. This is the June special event station that is part of the 2017 KB7QPS Air, Space, and Technology Special Event Station.


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