2017 ARRL International EME Contest
This is my first time back on 2m EME for almost 20 years. Of course it was all CW and a little SSB back then. I had 8 X 42' yagis and lots of land in the country and could hear great. Now I live in the middle of Las Vegas so I used the 1st weekend to see if I could hear anything here. Only a small handfull of the big guns could be heard so I decided to get setup at a remote site in Southern Utah that I usually use for 160m contests. So I took 2 of the 42' yagis and 20' of Rohn 20 tower to the site and spent a day and half to get setup. I finished about 2 hours after moonrise Friday evening with the help of W7RH and could not believe how well the station worked. I was new to 2m JT65 so when I called CQ and got 3 or 4 stations coming back it was a bit overwhelming at first. I used to think that digital EME was a bit of a cop out but after operating it I've definitely changed my mind. I do miss the otherworldly tones of the CW coming back from the moon but find digital EME very exciting. Something happened on the 2nd night after 2 hours on the air and I had to QRT but will definitely be back next year for both weekends. 73, Al K7CA
-- K7CABack