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2017 ARRL January VHF Contest

02/26/2017 | KF2MR/R

This is the second year in a row we had wonderful weather in Western NY for the January VHF contest. The oddly warm temperatures also produced morning and evening fog, which is rare in January. Activity in the greater Rochester Area was great and it kept us rovers busy for the entire contest. We are very fortunate that many of the local hams get on the air to support the contest even if they are not necessarily competing themselves. I was lucky enough to talk to a guy who had a dual band HT he was using from his living room and was shocked at the kind of range he was experiencing on simplex. This was my first time having all bands from 6m through 10 GHz, having added 5 GHz for this contest. On this band, there is no guarantee there is anyone to contact, so I was happy that WB2BYP was on the air with both 5GHz and 10GHz operating from his backyard deck. The Rochester VHF Group had a great showing for the rover lunch on Sunday with 12 people attending, representing 9 different rovers. Overall a lot of fun. 

-- KF2MR





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