2014 ARRL Field Day
There was chili, BBQ, cookies, potato salad and even some HF for seasoning as the Riverland Amateur Radio Club participated in ARRL Field Day, June 28-29.
A large number of club members, guests, elected officials and even a reporter attended the 5A event.
Of the five stations, there was the conventional HF SSB represented, CW and digital, with a side demonstration of Software Defined Radio.
The antenna farm included a Slinky, or rather two Slinkies prepared by Dave Peters, KB9EWG, for capturing a bunch of 40m contacts. And yes, we are talking about the toy that descends stairways.
The event was hosted at the QTH of Greg Miller, KA9FOZ, and chaired by Dan Abts, AB9TS. Abts did not have time to prepare the full accounting at publication time. It appeared the club had garnered just about all the bonus points it could for such things as an information table, visits by elected officials, news coverage, an educational program, etc. Logged operating points, while not overwhelming, were being calculated. Eyeball QSOs, while not eligible for the competition, were considerable.
Late night storms halted operations for more than two hours, cutting possible contacts while enhancing social opportunities.
One of the many highlights was mentoring new, Technician class members, on HF operating. Four new club members chalked up their first HF contacts during Field Day.
-- KC9IWEBack