2010 ARRL Field Day
de W3HGT, 1E, WPA
Field Day 2010 marks the 10th year in a row the 570 V Connection has operated Field Day since getting back together after many years of being spread across the country utilizing the ‘Rotating Host’ concept.
This year produced two operators who haven’t been together in over 30 years, WA3WNT and KE2VO. Both native Pittsburghers. WA3ZOE made it to the Laurel Highlands this year after missing the North Texas 1A operation last year. Rounding out the crew are WB3AAC, W3HGT, and K5AEM. Sorely missed is our Captain, W3GQ. Paul went through heart double bypass surgery with flying colors then experienced some serious post surgery complication that kept him sidelined an extra 4 weeks. His discharge from the hospital was just in time for him to operate 1D from NC and help our cause with 3 points: 40M SSB and 80M CW. What a trooper!
With the help of the old reliable 80M horizontal loop and the newly erected (in the air mere days before Field Day) 50’ tower and Force 12 yagi we managed a respectable score. Not our best, but quite respectable.
Our mission has always been to keep a transmitter on the air 24 hours with good Fun, Food, and Fellowship. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED !
C U in 2011
-- K5AEMBack