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2009 ARRL Field Day

07/04/2009 | AC7CJ As a 1B EWA Operator, I chose to work the 2009 Field Day Event from the LDS Valley Stake Recreation Field and Pavilion here in the Spokane Valley. I ended up being the only Operator to show up to operate on the 27th.
My wife KE7MKT helped me set things up Saturday morning and although she did not do any operating she stayed with me through-out the day. I would not have been able to do Field Day with out her help.
Later that day Aaron AD7DD & my son Chris KC7WPS stopped by after a Scout Hike and Overnighter. When it came time to break things down for the day, my son KC7WPS was of great help.
As you can see from the photos it was a beautiful day and a perfect Field Day setting. Operating equipment was the FT897D with internal batteries, tuner was the MFJ-941E, 12V 12Amp Hour PowerPort Battery and a 12v 75 Amp Hour Storage Battery. Anderson Power Pole connectors were extremely beneficial. The Antenna was a homebrew 40m Folded Dipole with 4-1 Balun.
Being an LDS Emergency Communication Specialist, I am hopeful that more in our Valley area will prepare and participate in next year's 2010 Field Day.
Bands were alive with opertors from around the country, it was great fun.
Ron AC7CJ -- AC7CJ





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