2009 ARRL Field Day
In addition to making contacts on 6, 2 and 430, the VHF/UHF gang also made a satellite contact Sunday morning. The satellite guys had a crowd around them just about all weekend. They heard a lot of satellites, but competition was fierce. They also heard the ISS once, but were unable to make a contact.
Thanks to our chef (K4TCM) we had very good meals, which were enjoyed by all members and guests. Also, thanks to Toms many helpers, including his xyl Carol, KD4RE and N5SK. Its amazing what Tom can create on the grill!
And to top off the weekend, this was one of the best Field Days for weather. We had a line of thunderstorms come though Friday night, but Saturday was beautiful, temps in the low 80s and a light breeze all day. These temperatures help to bring out over 120 members and guests to this years Field Day!
More photos can be seen at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/n4jdf/sets/72157620696940958/
Bernie N4JDF
2009 VWS Field Day Chairman -- N4JDF