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2007 ARRL Straight Key Night

01/04/2007 | K1LGQ I had visions of being a Novice again and it was a nice feeling. My straight key is and has always been my J-38 which I bought when I was 12 years old and love it. It was originally made by the Lionel Train Company for the U.S. government. Wow--did my arm tighten up pounding away the CW, but it was warm pain I remembered from days ago! Many miles have passed using that straight key.

My first QSO for SKN was K1YPP - Dennis in Florida. I actually was calling my friend John - VE2EQL but he couldn't hear me and Dennis returned my call. It was a very good QSO with a good old time friend! Twenty over 9 Dennis. SUPER RF from Florida.

My 2nd QSO was with KN2GSJ - George is in L.I. New York and again, I was transferred back to my Novice days. You see...a Novice was first issued a call with an N preceding the call area which was dropped after up-grade. Hearing KN2 was like...HUH, am I am back in the Novice band...3.708 KC?

It was a very plesant surprise to hear and work Bruce - N1RX, a bull-dog of a QRPer for the New England QRP Club. Thanks Bruce! Good to work you!

NQ4Q - John, your indoor antenna was better than most other's outdoor antenna. Just where do you live...? 4,000 feet up on a hill?

My last QSO was with John - N2BE and John was in New Jersey. We gabbed for 30 minutes and could have gone on longer. I guess we're two old RCCers at heart. Good QSO Buddy!

I made 8 QSOs that night and I am really psyched for next year's SKN...again! See you there?

73 from Brookline, NH. Dennis -- K1LGQ





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