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2006 ARRL Field Day

06/28/2006 | K3MJW It was something new this year at Skyview Radio Society. Normally we run 4A, but this year we had a real live contester heading up our FD efforts. An old member and past club president moved back into the Pittsburgh area and was willing to show us his idea of Field Day. John, K3MD (Doc) took the bull by the horns put together a winning program for 2006. Doc said it was a shame for us to have all these wonderful antennas at our clubhouse and not use them! So for 2006 we ran 3E. For power we used batteries instead of listening to a generator rattling all day and night. MUCH quieter! We ate like kings and played lots of radio. Doc was killer on CW and his Son Mike, N3PUR was relentless on phone. In one year we went from the bottom of the scoring to the top! There were also a large number of other members and visitors that worked the other station on both phone and CW. All together we put together a fine score. We did get rained on to some degree but all in all, the weather did us OK. We also had some networking problems but the logs merged just fine after FD was history. The Valley News Dispatch did a nice article on our event. Liz the reporter enjoys coming to our clubhouse and doing the story every year. She really should get her license! We are already making plans for next year! Please check out our web site for all the cool things we have been up to. 73 from K3MJW. -- WC3O





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