2005 ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest
I spent the first weekend on my own at Mt. Oso (CM97hm) and Devil Peak (DM07dm). Devil Peak was a new spot for me that was chosen for it's excellant path to Frazier Mountain (313 Km LOS). Devil worked out well allowing W6QI and I to extend the 47 GHz world record, the highlight of the contest for me.
The second weekend I operated the whole weekend from Frazier Mountain (DM04ms) along with WT6K and N6LL. Activity was unusually low on the second weekend with very few 10 GHz rovers out and about. W6QI, AA6IW and I tried to further extend the 47 GHz record with limited success. W6QI heard me at 344 Km but we were unable to complete a 2-way.
Gary -- AD6FP