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2005 ARRL Field Day

07/11/2005 | WQ0RP Minnesota QRP Society

KA0OSC said:
Howdy all!! Field Day was a lot of fun, with a respectable number of cw and
ssb contacts.

We had several "walk-in" visitors, including ARRL Director Jay Bellows and a
very nice Three Rivers Park District police officer, who tried to radio
another officer she knew to be a ham to invite him to our site.

K0TCP said:
Thanks, John KA0OSC for the field day remarks. I was also hoping more
people could have shown up. However, we did feed the mosquitoes and
enjoyed great conversations. I feel I learned from the experience. So
let's keep the momentum going and do even better in 2006!

N0OE, congrats on your first CW QSO! And thanks for making the midnight
ride for citronella candles.

N0OE said:
I want to thank everyone for my experience at Field Day. I feel like I
learned a lot. I am working on new goals for next year's Field Day. A goal
I made last year was to be able to operate CW by this year. I still have a
ways to go in that area, but I am thankful for the patience of those that
worked with me this year.

It was really nice of Jay Bellows, K0QB, to take time out of his busy schedule
to drop by for a visit.

K0CD said:
I wish to thank K0QB for the visit to our humble operation. I learned a lot organizing this years operation being that it was the first time in that role. I would like to thank all who strained to make contact with us. Next year,,, look for you then, -- K0CD





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