2005 ARRL Field Day
June 24 - Preparations for Field Day began with an email to the Fox Run (my subdivision) Newsletter. This newsletter advised the residents that I was entering the Field Day contest and included the President's comments on the event. It was emailed to over 250 homes in this large residential subdivision known for its strict adherence to covenants. (In fact, I had previously received a formal letter for covenant violation in 2004 for erecting an antenna in the back yard. The antenna was up for ten days while working on an article for QST.)
June 25 The antenna was mounted in my back yard and the system was readied for use. During the contest, several curious neighbors stopped by to see what was going on and to offer their support. I was more than happy to demonstrate PSK31, SSB, and SSTV on my station. I later received several emails encouraging my participation in the event, and to put up as many antennas as I wanted! I was surprised to learn that there is at least one other active ham in my neighborhood. My wife, Ann, hosted a media table that held news release handouts, several copies of QST magazine, a printout of the ARRL website Welcome to Amateur Radio! and a cooler of soft drinks.
Although my point total will not win any contests, I was gratified to learn that I could sustain approximately 10 hours of QRP operation from battery power. Prior commitments prevented me from operating on Sunday, but I managed 32 digital and 1 SSB contacts. The system performed flawlessly on PSK31 and I had no trouble being heard as long as I kept the beam rotated in the right direction. It was, however, very difficult to punch through the 20 meter SSB crowd using five watts.
I would like to thank all who stopped by to help make my first Field Day fun!
Field Day Portable Equipment:
Rig: Yaesu FT-817.
Compressor/Limiter: Homebrew VocalMaster.
Power Out: 2.5 to 5 Watts.
Interface: RigExpert.
PC: Compaq Presario 900 Battery-Powered Laptop.
Antenna: Homebrew 20-Meter Moxon Rectangle up 35 feet.
Mast: Military Surplus AB-952.
Power Sources: Eight AA Batteries (2500-mAh NiMH) and one 12 V 18-mAh Lead Acid Battery.
Charging Equipment: 12VDC NiMH charger, 12VDC to 120VAC Inverter.
Charging Source: Pickup Truck Battery.
73 -- KG4JJH