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2004 ARRL Field Day

07/19/2004 | W4WRO The Silver Comet Amateur Radio Society (SCARS), founded in 2004, operated this years Field Day at Paulding Meadows Park in Dallas, Georgia. Paulding County is a very historic area located about 25 air miles Northwest of Atlanta. SCARS is an organization of amateurs dedicated to helping in time of emergency, and to encouraging and training new hams for the future. We have a wide area of communication interests from CW to Digital, from building and educating, to just PLAIN OLD having fun. We love to eat and show our skills of communications. Did I mention, We LOVE to eat?
SCARS members took special interest in our 1ST Field Day by demonstrating exotic modes experienced by few amateurs, such as PSK31, ATV, SSTV, and APRS. For many, it was a hands-on introduction to alternative ways of communicating. There was also the use of solar panels to recharge batteries in the field, while operating under emergency conditions. In addition, we tried satellite operations with the help of KG4ARS. Participants with no satellite experience got to hear their own signals coming back through Amateur Birds for the fist time. Antennas at Field Day can be great fun, but large arrays and towers can take a long time to erect. Thats why we kept it simple with dipoles fed with ladder line, into manual tuners. This gave each HF station multi-band capability with a minimum of setup time and effort. Again, an experience emulating a real emergency situation.
Field Day in a public park means you get a lot of traffic from curious folks who may be potentially interested in amateur radio. Often the only invitation necessary is to see hams having fun practicing their emergency preparedness. We also invited guest operators. This gave non-club amateurs in our community a wide selection of operating experiences and fellowship. (It brought out experienced CW folks like K4KB, N4YDX, K4DVJ and KE4GBE).
This year we set our sites on 2A battery with a GOTA station (KF4RPQ) that scored QSOs using SSTV, PSK31 and SSB. The main 2A stations were under the banner of W4WRO and operated CW and SSB. We had guest officials like Paulding County Sheriff, Bruce Harris. Also, ARRL Georgia Section Manager, Susan Swiderski (AF4FO) husband, Mike (K4HBI, OO Coordinator, GA SEC) and Chris Wilkie (W1LKE Assistant District Emergency Coordinator for the National Weather Service in Georgia) came by to say hello, and to celebrate the Silver Comet Amateur Radio Societys first public event.
Our most famous club member, Patty Loveless (KD4WUJ), helped the up-and-coming youth at the GOTA station.
Thanks to all of our operators this year:
W4WRO, W4JFL, K4DMF, WB3ILX, WB4QOJ, KF4RPQ, KG4NZA, KG4ARS, K4DVJ, KG4NFL, KD4WUJ, N4YDX, K4KB, KE4GBE, N4JRS, and last but not least BEA WEST (Our Secretary simply known as KMOM).
Also, a host of visitor hams and non-hams as well.
A GREAT TIME was had by all, and young folks (aka. future hams) were exposed to the fascinating world of Amateur Radio. Were already planning for next year! -- WB4QOJ





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