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2004 ARRL Field Day

06/30/2004 | N4N N4N Field Day Group / Paulding County ARC Field Day 2004

2004 marked the fourth field day for the N4N field day group. This effort started out in 2001 with KN6RO, WB8VTK, and KE4UW running 3A. That first year we learned tons about operating in FD. We had so much fun, and talked up the event hoping to do better in 2002. And the effort grew.

This year we ran 9A from the same location in Paulding County (Just Northwest of Atlanta). We were fortunate enough to join efforts with the Paulding County ARC.

Some of the highlites include over 1000 40M CW qso's accomplished single handedly by Jim "the" Nail, WA2MBP, Working the ISS, K5ISS on 2 meter FM, working several sattelites, and being visited by our own Georgia Section Manager, Susan K. Swiderski, AF4FO.

The weather was marginal, as we got a typical "Gully Washer" during setup and again during teardown. Welcome to Georgia in the summer.

Many thanks to the setup and teardown help, the operators and visitors, the GOTA operators, and a very special thanks to Margaret Moss, KG4SKB for the excellent food!

If anyone is interested in joining our effort for 2005, please join the N4N_Field_Day group at Yahoo groups.

73 and Think Field Day! -- KN6RO





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