2021 ARRL Field Day
For an almost professional video of the N6MI operation in Field Day, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7ibQpNwqxw.
June 2021 Field Day (Frazier Peak, DM04ms, Class 2A Santa Barbara, 2,358 contacts). The N6MI (call) team included K6VCR, N7DA, NB6E, N6MI, K1BTW, Broden Weeks, plus our GOTA operator. We used an inverted vee on 80 meters (106 CW, 56 FT8, 28 LSB contacts), a two element yagi on 40 meters at 50 feet (401 CW, 787 LSB contacts), a three element yagi on 20 meters at 60 feet (790 CW, 7 FT8, and 145 USB contacts), a three element yagi on 15 meters at 25 feet before it blew over (14 CW, 1 USB contacts), a three element yagi on 10 meters at 20 feet (not used), a 6 meter loop (not used), and a 6 element yagi on 2 meters at 8 feet (1 CW and 1 FM contact). Our GOTA station used a spider beam at about 20 feet (22 USB contacts, mostly on 15 meters). K1BTW and Broden Weeks (BNinja Productions) produced the fun documentary.
-- N6MIBack