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Oklahoma SM Kevin O’Dell, N0IRW, Stepping Down; Mark Kleine, N5HZR, Appointed as OK SM


Kevin O’Dell, N0IRW, Oklahoma’s long-serving Section Manager (SM) — serving two terms from 2010 to 2014 and again serving since 2016 — has decided to step down effective April 9, 2021. Although he is stepping down as Oklahoma SM, O’Dell will continue to serve amateur radio and ARRL as a member of ARRL’s Public Relations Committee. Prior to becoming SM, O’Dell served as both a Public Information Officer and as the Public Information Coordinator for the Oklahoma Section for many years.

Mark P. Kleine, N5HZR, a resident of Norman, Oklahoma, has been appointed to replace O’Dell as Oklahoma Section Manager effective April 9, and will serve out the balance of O’Dell’s term, which extends to September 30, 2022.

Kleine has been a very active member of the Oklahoma amateur radio community for many years, currently serving as an Oklahoma Assistant Section Manager, a leader of the South Canadian Amateur Radio Society (SCARS), and as President of the Central Oklahoma Radio Amateurs (CORA), a group of nine amateur radio clubs that host the Oklahoma City Hamfest “Ham Holiday.” An ARRL Life Member, Kleine is also an amateur radio license class instructor and Volunteer Examiner for three different Volunteer Examiner Coordinators.

ARRL Radiosport and Field Services Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, made the appointment based on the recommendations of ARRL West Gulf Division Director John Robert Stratton, N5AUS; O’Dell, N0IRW; West Gulf Vice Director Lee Cooper, W5LHC, and leaders of the Oklahoma Section. 



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