High-Speed Telegraphy Competition Set for September 8-12 in Hungary
The 14th High-Speed Telegraphy (HST) World Championship will take place September 8-12 in Esztergom, Hungary. The event’s date was shifted this year to avoid conflicting with the International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 (IARU-R1) General Conference.
The Hungarian Radio Amateur Society (MRASZ) is organizing the 2017 HST, which is sponsored by IARU. Hungary was the site of the first HST in 1995.
Rules for the HST are available on the IARU Region 1 website. There are nine competition categories, based on age and sex. In general, competitors must be radio amateurs or “licensed SWLs (or SWL members of their national societies),” the rules state. Competitors will be judged on their ability to receive and transmit five-letter/figure/mixed groups for 1 minute and on their skill with RufZ XP call sign recognition and Morse Runner pile-up simulation software.