FOC 80th Anniversary Challenge Set for May
In May 2018 the First Class CW Operators Club (FOC) will celebrate with the FOC 80th Anniversary Challenge, a members-only event. During the entire month, FOC members from around the world will be active on CW, using special call signs, many of them containing the number “80” or having an “FOC” suffix.
Points will be awarded for working these special call signs. The challenge is being run as a leader board on Club Log, which stops at 800 participants, and your ranking in the leader board determines the award level you achieve. At the end of the challenge, stations in the Top 80, qualify for the Gold Award, in the Top 400 for the Silver Award, and in the Top 800, the Bronze Award. Full rules, a list of active stations, and details on how to claim awards are on the FOC website. — Thanks to Iain Kelly, M0PCB