ARRL Contests Landing Page Offers Additional Enhanced and Expanded Content
The new ARRL Contests Landing page continues to develop with the addition of enhanced and expanded contest reporting. The Contests page will soon include complete 2018 results, including full results articles from QST, expanded results, line scores, log-checking reports, soapbox, and database search. Contests are listed — and linked — in the left-hand column of the page and as tabs at the top of the page for categories of log submission, logs received, certificates, and clubs. When users select an event from the left-hand column, the page will display activity links that include rules, logs received, results articles, and other contests (which returns the user to the Contests home page). Selecting “Results Articles” takes the user to the “Full Results” articles list, hyperlinked by year.
“Eventually, in addition to full results, we expect to also include left-column access to QST results, log-checking reports, line scores, soapbox, and a form for data search for each event,” ARRL Contest Branch Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, said.
The previous Contest Results Articles page, which offers current and historical results dating back some 20 or more years, will be known as the “legacy site” going forward.