Veteran Volunteer Examiner Lauded for his Dedication
Mel Fukunaga, KH6H, of Wailuku on the Hawaiian island of Maui has been a volunteer examiner with the ARRL VEC program since its inception in 1984, becoming accredited with the ARRL VEC program in September of that year.
“For the past 32 years, Mel has faithfully conducted three exam sessions on average every year,” said ARRL VEC Manager Maria Somma, AB1FM. “The VEC appreciates his dedication and service to the Amateur Radio community in Hawaii.”
On December 2, Fukunaga, an ARRL Life Member, administered his 100th exam session, and the Maui Amateur Radio Club honored his long-term dedication to Amateur Radio licensing on Maui by presenting him with an engraved bowl. Fukunaga heads the island’s VE team, which administers ham radio examinations three times a year — in April, August, and December.
For many years, Fukunaga served as the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) District Emergency Coordinator on Maui.