06/30/2008 | It Seems To Us: We Win In Court!Last year, in the wake of Federal Communications Commission decisions that did not adequately protect licensed radiocommunication services from interference from Broadband Over Power Line (BPL) systems, the ARRL went to court to challenge the FCC.
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06/30/2008 | 2007 ARRL Annual Report Now Available
The ARRL Annual Report for 2007, now available online and in print, reviews the League's major events of the year and documents the renewed growth of both the ARRL and the activities of the Amateur Radio Service. Just 50 years ago, there were few
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06/27/2008 | The K7RA Solar Update
Recent days graced by sunspots were short lived. June 10-June 13 saw a single sunspot group, followed by two days with no spots then a week of spots from June 16-22. During that week, the sunspot number was 11 every day, the lowest non-zero sunspot number
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06/26/2008 | Philadelphia Area Hams Nail Rogue Radio Signals
When residents of a Philadelphia suburb complained to an area television station about how their remote car door entry devices wouldn't work in the parking lot of a local department store, an investigative reporter for NBC-10 (WCAU) called everyone she co
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06/26/2008 | A Summer of E-Skip
Tired of the lousy conditions on the HF bands? Come join the crowd on the "Magic Band." Each summer regardless of where the sunspot cycle is, sporadic E -- or E-skip -- blooms on 6 meters and sometime even on the bands above that. What often app
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06/26/2008 | Amateur Radio Spectrum Enforcement Position Open at FCC
Special Counsel in the FCC Spectrum Enforcement Division Riley Hollingsworth is set to retire July 3. Hollingsworth, who served for close to 10 years, was the first to hold the Amateur Radio Spectrum Enforcement position.
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06/26/2008 | IARU Administrative Council Meets in Germany
The Administrative Council (AC) of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) held its Annual Meeting on June 24-25, 2008 in Konstanz, Germany. Topping the agenda was the consultative process leading to nominations for IARU President and Vice President
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06/26/2008 | Go Long on Shortwave for ARRL Field Day
Have you ever dreamed about being able to broadcast with hundreds of thousands of watts and talk about Amateur Radio to a worldwide audience? Ted Randall, WB8PUM, of Lebanon, Tennessee, will be "Live from Field Day" on 7.415 MHz on WBCQ -- a sho
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