08/07/2009 | The K7RA Solar Update
We had some nice sunspot activity from July 3-10 -- and we were hoping for a return 27-28 days later -- but it never happened. Varying by latitude, the Sun rotates relative to Earth about every 27.5 days. If that same region was still active or the activi
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08/06/2009 | Surfin': Discovering the Voice of America in OhioThis week, Surfin' visits a blog and learns all about the Voice of America facility in southwestern Ohio.
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08/06/2009 | Scott Redd, K0DQ: The Biggest Gun of All
Vice Admiral John Scott Redd, K0DQ (US Navy, retired) has, throughout his 36 year military career, helped to make the world a safer place. From postings in Uruguay to Iraq to serving as Commander of the Navy's Fifth Fleet as a naval officer, to becoming D
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08/05/2009 | Youth@HamRadio.Fun: Awards All AroundSummer can be a slow time of year in the ham radio world. The contesters are in remission, preparing for battle in the fall. Hamfests are scarce, as cheap locations with air conditioning are hard to find; however, the ARRL -- and many others -- take this
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08/05/2009 | Prepare for the Perseids!
On the night of August 11 and well into the next day, Earth will make its annual passage through the bulk of the debris shed by a comet known as Swift-Tuttle. Much of the debris is composed of dust-sized grains, but when these fragments come plunging into
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08/05/2009 | The ARRL Teachers Institute Wraps Up Successful Summer Sessions
In 2004, the ARRL held its first Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology. That summer, nine teachers came from across the country to learn how to bring this exciting technology back to their classrooms. Six years later, 93 teachers from 29 states attend
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08/04/2009 | FCC Issues Citation to Washington Company for Selling, Importing Unauthorized RF Devices
On July 28, the FCC issued a Citation to The Spy Store for marketing unauthorized radio frequency devices. According to the Commission, these devices were in violation of the Communications Act of 1934, As Amended and the Commission's Rules,
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08/03/2009 | Meredith Attwell Baker, Mignon Clyburn Sworn in as FCC Commissioners: Now There Are Five
The Federal Communications Commission now has its full complement of five Commissioners: On Friday, July 31, Meredith Attwell Baker joined Chairman Julius Genachowski, Robert McDowell and Michael Copps. On Monday, August 3, Mignon Clyburn came on board.
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