10/14/2009 | Ham Provides Rescue Support at Utah Marathon
While not as well known as the Boston and New York City Marathons, Utah's St George Marathon draws more than 7000 runners to the town of St George -- located 300 miles south of Salt Lake City, near the Utah-Arizona-Nevada border -- each year. The race, no
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10/14/2009 | TAPR Selects New Officers
At the recent ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference (DCC) in Chicago, the TAPR Board of Directors of selected a new slate of officers and named Dr David Toth, VE3GYQ,
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10/14/2009 | Hams On-the-Air to Support National Wildlife Refuge Week
The KP1-5 Project -- organizers of the 2009 Desecheo Island DXpedition -- is pleased to announce that Amateur Radio operators will be on-the-air in observance of the 2009 National Wildlife Refuge Week, on the air October 10-18. This event features scores
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10/14/2009 | Three People Killed While Erecting Antenna
At approximately 8:40 PM on Monday, October 12, a man, woman and their 15 year old son were killed while trying to erect a 50 foot vertical antenna at the home of the man's mother, Barbara Tenn, KJ4KFF, in Palm Bay, Florida. The deceased were not licensed
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10/14/2009 | Mathias Bjerrang, LA5NM/JW5NM (SK)
Noted DXer Mathias Bjerrang, LA5NM/JW5NM, passed away October 11. He was 67. While in Svalbard, Norway, Bjerrang slipped and fell while walking, hitting his head and was later found Sunday morning, cold and unable to speak. He was brought inside where he
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10/14/2009 | Check Out the November/December Issue of QEX
The November/December issue of QEX is coming soon, and it is full of theoretical and practical technical articles that you don't want to miss.
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10/13/2009 | I’ve Got My Ham Radio Hobby BackFolks, I was in ham radio nirvana. What’s so special about this contact? I made it on something that many hams say is not radio, but for hams who live where they can’t have any HF antennas it makes operating possible. If you have a computer an
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10/13/2009 | After False Starts, Midway Island DXpedition off to Good Beginning
After the airplane scheduled to take the K4M DXpedition team from Honolulu to Midway Island developed engine trouble, there was doubt as to if the team would even make it to the island. But Murphy didn't get in the way -- mechanics found the necessary par
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