03/17/2011 | ARRL Files Petition, Request for Temporary Waiver with FCC Regarding VHF Voice and Data Emissions
On Tuesday, March 15, the ARRL filed a Petition for Rulemaking and a Request for Temporary Waiver to authorize the use of single-time-slot Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) emissions in the amateur bands at and above 50 MHz, wherever multip
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03/17/2011 | Yaesu Factory Damaged in Earthquake
In a letter to the Amateur Radio community, Vertex Standard Chief Executive Officer and President Jun Hasegawa expressed his “sincere appreciation to all of you for your kind words and thoughts about us” after the devastating 8.9 earthquake that struck Ja
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03/16/2011 | Hams Invited to Track Satellites
In November 2010, five research satellites were carried to orbit aboard a Minotaur V rocket from Kodiak Island, Alaska. Two of these satellites -- FASTRAC 1, known as “Sara Lily” and FASTRAC 2, referred to as “Emma” -- entered orbit as a single nanosatell
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03/15/2011 | A Contact Across the GenerationsA pair of high-school students contacts their grandfather for their first HF experience.
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03/15/2011 | Youth@HamRadio.Fun: On Becoming a HamMeet the new ARRL Youth Editor, Sterling Coffey, N0SSC. This month, Sterling discusses how -- and why -- he became a radio amateur.
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03/15/2011 | Radio Amateurs in Japan Provide Communications Support after Earthquake
Since last week’s 8.9 earthquake and tsunami, Japan faces widespread destruction, including power, fuel and water shortages. The Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL) HQ station JA1RL, along with other amateurs throughout the island nation, is maintaining the
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03/15/2011 | Nominations for ARRL Awards Now Open
Each year, the ARRL Board of Directors has the opportunity to select recipients for a number of awards in various categories that honor Amateur Radio operators. The nomination period is now open for those ARRL awards that recognize educational and technol
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03/14/2011 | Japan Asks Radio Amateurs to Keep Frequencies Clear As Country Goes into Recovery Mode after Devastating Earthquake
After the 8.9 earthquake that struck near Sendai, Japan at 2:46 JST (0546 UTC) on Friday, March 11, the island nation is trying to recover. Soon after the earthquake -- which the US Geological Survey (USGS) is calling the largest to hit the island nation
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