05/17/2011 | Voting Now Open for June QST Cover Plaque Award
Now that you’ve thumbed through and read the June 2011 issue of QST cover-to-cover, we’re sure that an article sticks in your mind. So go ahead and cast your vote for your favorite article in the issue. The article with the most votes will receive the QST
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05/17/2011 | 2011 Dayton Hamvention Coverage Starts Friday, May 20
Watch this page (and Facebook) for ARRL Hamvention News
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05/16/2011 | FCC Upholds $4000 Fine to Pennsylvania Amateur
The FCC announced that on May 16, it issued a Forfeiture Order of $4000 to Jose Torres, N3TX, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, “for willfully and repeatedly operating his amateur station on an unauthorized frequency at his residence, in violation of Section
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05/13/2011 | The K7RA Solar Update
As reported in The ARRL Letter on Wednesday, six sunspot groups were visible, but that number shrunk to two on Thursday. Daily sunspot numbers declined from 84 to 29 over those two days as well, but the average sunspot number for the reporting week (Thurs
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05/13/2011 | Surfin’: One Week ’til DaytonThis week, Surfin’ gets more ready for the Dayton Hamvention®
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05/12/2011 | FCC Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker to Leave FCC in June
On Thursday, May 12, FCC Commissioner Meredith Atwell Baker announced she would be leaving her post on June 3 -- just 27 days before her term expires -- creating a Republican vacancy on the Commission. Chairman Julius Genachowski, along with Commissioners
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05/12/2011 | RIT Students Successfully Launch High Altitude Balloon
The Rochester Institute of Technology Amateur Radio Club, K2GXT, had a successful launch of RITCHIE-1 -- a custom high altitude balloon designed by members of K2GXT -- at the Imagine RIT Festival on May 7. According to RITARC Vice President Bryce Salmi, K
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05/11/2011 | OSCAR I and Amateur Radio Satellites: Celebrating 50 Years
1961. It was the middle of the Cold War. John F. Kennedy is inaugurated as the 35th President of the United States. The Bay of Pigs invasion fails in Cuba. The Beatles perform for the first time at the Cavern Club in Liverpool. Freedom Riders are arrested
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