07/26/2011 | New Mexico Hams Provide Communications Support During Wildfires
One month after it began, the Las Conchas Fire -- New Mexico’s largest fire on record -- has burned almost 157,000 acres and is 90 percent contained. The fire, which began on June 26, is believed to have been human set. The next day, the fire threatened t
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07/26/2011 | ARRL Launches Online Forums
To assist League members in communicating with one another and with ARRL staff on topics of common interest, the ARRL has established three forums -- Contesting, Awards and Technology -- on the ARRL website. Visit www.arrl.org/forums to chat with fellow h
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07/25/2011 | Youth@HamRadio.Fun: What Is Radiosport and Why Do We Do It?Humans are wired to compete. We have created countless games and sports that test our skill and keep us in shape. In the ages before humans came to rule the world, life was a competition -- a competition against Mother Nature to survive. In the present te
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07/24/2011 | ARISSat-1 Test and Launch
After a brief test, the ARISSat-1 satellite is about to take flight.
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07/23/2011 | The Amateur Amateur: Fun, Fatigue and FurMy wife Nancy and I have a very sweet dog named Ariel. As near as we can make out, Ariel is 95 percent Swedish Lapphund, absolutely beautiful and as furry as they come. During the summer months in Missouri, she sheds and the whole house becomes furry. The
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07/22/2011 | ARRL Asks FCC to Keep 2300 MHz Proceeding Open
In June, the FCC released a Public Notice that sought comments on whether or not it should terminate approximately 800 docketed proceedings in the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB), the International Bureau (IB), the Office of Engineering and Techn
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07/22/2011 | The K7RA Solar Update
The average daily sunspot numbers for the week rose nearly 27 points to 92.4, while the average daily solar flux increased more than 9 points to 98.2. Sunspot numbers for July 14-20 were 79, 90, 75, 101, 127, 96 and 79, with a mean of 92.4. The 10.7 cm fl
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07/22/2011 | Surfin’: Updating Surfin’This week, Surfin’ revisits and updates recent installments of itself.
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