12/07/2011 | QRP Group Offers Free Kit Building Services to Hams with Physical Limitations
Members of the Four States QRP Group (4SQRPG) -- a group of kit aficionados centered in Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas -- are offering kit building services at no charge to hams who, due to physical limitations, need assistance with building. Ham
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12/07/2011 | Round Up Those CW QSOs in the ARRL CW Rookie Roundup
The ARRL’s Rookie Roundup comes around again on Sunday, December 18! This time, the focus is on CW operation. The Rookie Roundup is an on-the air event is designed for newly licensed amateurs to build their HF and 6 meter operating skills. Similar to the
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12/06/2011 | FCC Commissioner Michael Copps Announces Resignation
On Monday, December 5, FCC Commissioner Michael Copps notified President Barack Obama that he would resign as Commissioner effective January 1, 2012. If the Senate does not confirm a successor prior to Copps’ departure, the FCC would be down to three comm
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12/06/2011 | New QuickStats Poll Now Available on ARRL Website
Four new poll questions have just been published on the QuickStats page on the ARRL website. Let your voice be heard!
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12/06/2011 | Nomination Deadline Approaching for ARRL International Humanitarian Award
The deadline to nominate an amateur or group of amateurs for the 2011 ARRL International Humanitarian Award is coming up -- December 31, 2011. This award is conferred upon an amateur or amateurs who demonstrate devotion to human welfare, peace and interna
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12/06/2011 | Space Pioneer Jack Townsend, W3PRB (SK)
John W. “Jack” Townsend, Jr, W3PRB, of Cabin John, Maryland, passed away October 29 due to complications from lung cancer. He was 87. Townsend -- an ARRL member -- was a rocket and satellite pioneer who was influential in creating the first meteorological
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12/05/2011 | Renewed IRA Provision on Charitable Giving Makes It Easy to Support ARRL through 2012
In December 2010, President Barack Obama signed the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010 (HR 4853) into law. This law provided sweeping changes to the rules that govern federal estate taxes, gift taxes and genera
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12/05/2011 | Special Prefixes on Tap for Canadian Stations this December
If you are a prefix hunter, take note: Stations in Canada will be sporting new prefixes. To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the CBC and Radio Canada, radio amateurs in Canada have been granted permission to use special prefixes for the month of December
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