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ITU Digitizes Historical Archives


The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) announced on February 11 that they have launched the History of ITU portal. This program -- the digitizing of the ITU’s archive of historical documents -- aims to improve access to information on the ITU and chart its evolution since its establishment in 1865, while ensuring the long-term preservation of historic documents. The archives will be freely accessible. ITU’s Historical Documents Digitization Program is an ongoing project to catalogue and scan key ITU documents and outcomes of major conferences and make them available on the web. Optical character recognition (OCR) allows the documents to be fully searchable. Documents generated from ITU Plenipotentiary Conferences -- as well as from early radio, telegraph and telephone conferences -- are now available on the portal. The portal provides background information, key data and links to the documents and other materials for each conference. The digitization program will continue to make available documents of historic significance, including those related to Radiocommunication Conferences since 1903.




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