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Annual ARRL On-Line Auction Now Open for Bidding!


The 11th Annual ARRL On-Line Auction now is under way. Bidding on nearly 300 items will continue through Thursday, October 27. Participants must register. Those who have participated in past ARRL On-Line Auction events may use their previous log-in information.

This year’s auction booty includes some vintage ham radio items, including a Collins S Line. Premier items from the QST “Product Review” inventory include the Icom IC-7851 HF+6 meter transceiver, an Alpha 9500 amp, and the new Icom IC-7300 HF+6 meter transceiver. Also on the block is Draka NKRFA01200 ½-inch coaxial cable (by the spool), a RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM 0.1-230 MHz antenna and cable analyzer, and an autographed script from the TV show “Last Man Standing,” starring Tim Allen, KK6OTD.

There are books and publications — including many vintage editions of the ARRL Handbook, among them a special 1942 defense edition and a 1926 edition. Bid on embroidered ham call sign caps and ARRL-branded gear too.

Proceeds from the yearly On-Line Auction benefit ARRL education programs. These include activities to license new hams, strengthen Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) training, offer continuing technical and operating education, and create instructional materials.

Prospective registered bidders who have forgotten a password or user ID should click on the “Help” tab, which will offer password and user ID-retrieval instructions. Bidders also should ensure that a correct address and other information are on file. The auction site only accepts Visa and MasterCard. Each auction item has its own closing time.

To fully enjoy the ARRL On-Line Auction, bidders are urged to read the auction policies.



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