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Counterpoise or radials? Oct 8th 2011, 03:56 2 8,164 on 8/10/11

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Counterpoise or radials? KD5KJ on 8/10/11
I guess I am just dense but in the ARRL Simple and Fun Antennas Book (great BTW), a Cheap and Dirty Multiband antenna is described with a single 1/4 wave counterpoise. Of course, the author says it works great and it is horizontally polarized apparently. However, if the same antenna was to be installed vertically at near ground level, most "authorities" require a series of over 16 radials (counterpoises, if you will). I somewhat understand ground reflection and resistance losses but it logically seems that with added ground reflection this antenna installed vertically should require no more counterpoise than a horizontal antenna with a single "radial". For example, a ground plane antenna with only two radials performs almost as well as one with four or more radials. I have installed several "L" antennas (not inverted L) for HF with the bottom "counterpoise" and feed point at about 8 feet over ground and they seemed to work very well. As I said, I am a little slow but I have been a ham for over 40 years and this still mystifies me Anyone else have this type of experience?

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