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W9INN Antennae question Sep 10th 2013, 14:57 4 9,179 on 17/8/19

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W9INN Antennae question kb2loz on 11/9/13
Thanks Zak, I looked everywhere looking for what it wis and like I said all I could find was the 2 legged W9INN model. I know the guy I got this from was a 160 man like myself. I am looking forward to setting it up in VA and thats when I can truely see what it is and can do. Thanks again for your input.

John C
W9INN Antennae question kb2loz on 10/9/13
Can someone help me determine what type of W9INN antennae I have. I bought it 10 years ago and its not the dipole with the sreaders that typically defines a W9INN antennae. Here are the specifics;
The dipole is approximately 120' long.
60' from center of dipole ( W2UA balun in center joing diploe halfs) to end.
50" from center to 6" pvc with windings .
36' to 4" pvc with windings.

What antennae is this from W9INN and what bands is it for.
I'm going to set it up when I move but was wondering .
I looked all over the web and all I see is the 4 legged W9Inn ant.


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