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ARRL Clubs - Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club

Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club

Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club

Contact Information

Club Name:
Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club
Call Sign:
James E. Totten WA8HUB
Daytime Phone:
(937) 310-1381

Basic Information

Call Sign:
Annual Report:
Nov 07th 2023
Meeting Time:
3rd Thursday monthly at 7:30 PM, 7:00 PM for social time.
Meeting Place:
BARC Clubhouse, Room 1 Lower Level, Sugarcreek Elementary School, 51 S East St, Bellbrook, OH
Affiliation Date:
Nov 16th 1976
Contest, Digital Modes, DX, General Interest, Public Service/Emergency, Repeaters, School or Youth Group, VHF/UHF
Services Offered:
Club Newsletter, Entry-Level License Classes, General Or Higher License Classes, License Test Sessions, Mentor, Repeater

Meetings in clubhouse started up again in February 20, 2021, after Pandemic.


 The Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club is a general interest club with many activities involved in many aspects of amateur radio.  The Club was initially organized in 1974 as the Communications Group for the Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Township Disaster Plan and was officially founded on July 4, 1976 with twenty "charter members."   BARC acquired space in a former elementary school in 2007 for its Clubhouse which includes a Communications Center with four well-equipped stations providing voice, CW and digital modes on all bands 80m through 70cm.  All club meetings and education events are held in the clubhouse.   Comm Center activities include individual and group contesting and general use with priority emphasis on emergency communications as needed.  BARC is the “local support group” for Greene County ARES. BARC jointly sponsors Spring and Fall license courses with the other two Greene County amateur radio clubs and Greene County ARES.  BARC also provides ongoing continuing education opportunities, study groups and special interest groups on antennas, digital communications, Morse Code & CW operating skills, and other topics of interest.   BARC's big annual activity is Field Day in which it has participated since 1976.  The Club has an annual Field Day Family Picnic, an annual Dinner Meeting, an annual Chili Supper and a weekly " Lunch Bunch."  One of BARC’s mottos is, "FUN, FOOD & FELLOWSHIP."   The Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club is a friendly group of hams of all ages that doesn't know any better than to just have fun while promoting and enjoying amateur radio and being ever ready to respond as needed when disaster or a communications emergency occurs.   BARC meets monthly on the 3rd Thursday at 7:30 PM at the BARC Clubhouse & Communications Center, 51 S East Street in Bellbrook OH 45305.  A hospitality time for "eyeball QSO's" and refreshments starts at 7:00 PM.  A program featuring some aspect of amateur radio or a related topic usually is presented at each meeting.  Visitors always are welcome.  Come join us!



Club Statistics

Club Members:
Voting Members:
Voting Licensed Amateur Members:
Voting ARRL Members:

Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club Officers

  • James E. Totten WA8HUB


    James E. Totten WA8HUB

  • Ray A. Hitt N8VMX

    President, Editor

    Ray A. Hitt N8VMX

  • John J. Westerkamp W8LRJ


    John J. Westerkamp W8LRJ

  • James M. Gifford N8KET


    James M. Gifford N8KET

  • Glenn H. Rodgers WI8O

    Vice President

    Glenn H. Rodgers WI8O


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